Stylish Robot LLC

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The past year has been a rough one. I didn’t have the mental space to give this blog the attention it needed, so I turned my focus to the Living Glycerin Free Instagram account. There you will see the glycerin free products I find while shopping, what make up and skincare I use, my 3 cats, and anything else that catches my fancy.

At the end of 2019, I realized my Depression was bad and that I needed professional help. I’m back on antidepressants. Don’t take Celexa if you need an anti-depressant. Glycerin is one of its inactive ingredients. I learned the hard way to double check the ingredients of any medication I’m taking the hard way. Don’t be like me. Don’t count on doctors and pharmacists to check the inactive ingredient list of a medication against your allergy list. That was not fun.

While I have taken Wellbutrin in the past for my depression, I was curious to try something new. I’m currently taking Lexapro, and I’m very pleased with the results. The only thing I miss from the Wellbutrin is that it helped my concentration. The Lexapro has helped both my depression and anxiety. Plus, I haven’t noticed any decrease in my sex drive, which I did experience with Wellbutrin. Just FYI, Wellbutrin is glycerin free, too.

What else is new?

I got a third cat. His name is Carrot. He turns a year old in August. He’s an adorable ginger ball of trouble with the floofiest tail I ever did see. Tavi gets along with him. Parker does not. So most of the day Parker is sequestered in our bedroom away from the other two cats. She is very happy with this arrangement. Carrot, not so much. He wants to play with his salty sister.

For the past year I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into my Tarot practice. I’ve started doing readings for people other than myself. Tarot is something that has fascinated me since I was a child. I’m an Intuitive Tarot Reader, meaning the cards provide me with advice and point out things I need to be paying attention to in my life. They do not predict the future. How can they when us humans have Free Will? They might let me know the potential for something happening, but I know I can change that through taking action and making different choices.

I’ve missed this blog. It feels good to get back on here. I know I still owe you an update on the glycerin free moisturizer I’ve been using and the drugstore mascara I’ve tested out.

Take care of yourselves, and I look forward to catching up again soon.