Stylish Robot LLC

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Why did I name my website Stylish Robot?

The name came from a discussion with a few friends more than 5 years ago. I forget who even first said “Stylish Robot”.  But those words have stuck in my head since then.  They felt incredibly right for me.  So when I started my blog, I used those two words for the domain name.  

A couple years ago I was researching about Autism so I could be a better friend to one of my neurodivergent friends. I ended up reading article after article on Autism in women. I saw myself in those descriptions of how it presents differently in women compared to men. My life and my brain suddenly made so much more sense.  It was like coming home and having my heart ripped out at the same time.

Part of why Stylish Robot appealed to me is because so often I feel like a robot that is trying so hard to be human and keeps failing.  There’s something all the humans just know and I don’t have that key. As I’ve gotten older, I have met others who feel the same way as me. It’s nice to not be so lonely.  

I’ve also gathered a few humans who like me even if I am a robot. They compliment me on my sense of style.  They are willing to not hear from me for a month or more and then I come back like no time at all has gone by. They accept me for me.

I named my website Stylish Robot because I feel like that’s who I am.  And I think that’s a pretty cool person.