Stylish Robot LLC

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Why start this blog?

I started this blog because there wasn’t anything like this when I was hit over the head with the fact that I am allergic to glycerin. I went looking for resources and found very few. I wanted some place I could look up what skincare, makeup, and toiletry products would be safe for me to use. So this is me, creating that resource.

If I can read through an staggering amount of ingredients lists so you don’t have to, I consider that a win. It’s overwhelming when you first find out your allergic to glycerin. Because as soon as you start looking at what’s in the products you use everyday, you realize glycerin seems to be in most everything. This blog gives you at least a starting point for finding replacements for the products you can no longer use.

Now, what products I use are limited by more than just my glycerin allergy. I’m also allergic to latex, aspirin/salicylic acid, and mango. Actually that’s not the complete list, but those are the main ones that come up in daily life. For example, while I struggle with acne thanks to my PCOS, I can’t use the majority of products aimed at treating acne because they contain salicylic acid. I do plan on posting about glycerin free products that I might not personally be able to use at some point in the future.

One thing I have learned while doing this blog, is that products I’ve been using that I thought were completely glycerin free were, in fact, not. Because there is a long list of alternative names for glycerin and it’s derivatives. Which makes reading ingredients lists even more overwhelming. I’m not going to lie about that.

Because I’m reading so many ingredients lists, I’m getting better at spotting potential troublesome ingredients. I view me checking all this stuff out as me taking one for the team so you can ease yourself into the world of being super careful about what you put in and on your body.

Most everyday I spend at least an hour or two researching new products and double checking the ones I’ve been using, whether or not I’m posting that day. Have done since I started this blog. I think it’s been worth the time spent. This blog has given me purpose in life.