Stylish Robot LLC

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Why am I using the KonMari Method?

As I mentioned in my last post, clutter doesn’t just make me feel like I have a messy house. It also can be overwhelming and anxiety inducing. If I look around, seeing piles of stuff everywhere, I feel out of control. A clean, orderly house makes me feel calm and capable of dealing with whatever life throws at me.

Because of various health issues for my Sweetie, myself, and various family members, keeping the house organized and clutter free was way on the back burner. I just ignored it as best I could for as long as I could.

Then the Depression hit me. One of the things I did while dusting off my very rusty coping skills was watch “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. I’d read her book back in 2014, and had some success in going through my possessions. But I’d never fully committed to her method. The show was a delight and made me feel like it was possible to tackle my contributions to how cluttered our home is.

Sweetie does not like anyone throwing away his stuff without his permission. His mother got rid of many of his favorite toys and books over the years without asking him. So, I’m focusing on my things only. If I think something that belongs to both of us could be let go, I make sure to ask his opinion. He usually agrees, but I’d rather ask than not.

Marie Kondo says to hold each item and see if it sparks joy in you. Does it contribute to who you want to be in the future? She doesn’t tell you to get rid of everything, just the items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Then you have to find a home, a specific spot for every single thing.

I’ve always done the occasional purge of my belongings. Some types of things are easier for me to get rid of than others. What will usually happen is I get overwhelmed by how cluttered my living space is, so I start going from room to room. It wasn’t a very organized or through method.

Since I started the KonMari Method, I’ve gone through my clothes, books, and DVDs completely. I’m in the process of going through the kitchen, makeup, and skincare. I’ve donated 6 bags of clothes. I have 3 paper bags full of books, and one of DVDs.

I finally let go of some clothing I’d been holding onto since high school and college. Things I’d been hauling from place to place for almost 20 years. I let go of clothing that no longer fit, that no longer suited who I am as a person. It was freeing. It was also rather overwhelming to see that huge mountain of clothes on our bed that I had to go through in one go or else we couldn’t go to sleep that night.

It took me almost 9 hours to decide what clothes to keep, what to get rid of, and put everything away or in garbage bags depending on what was happening to it. I was exhausted at the end of it, but also proud of myself. Because in those bags of clothes to donate were old fantasies I had of who I might be that I no longer desired to make reality. I rediscovered pieces I loved, but had forgotten I owned because they were buried under all the clothing I wasn’t wearing.

Going through my books allowed me to free up much needed shelf space. We still need another full sized bookshelf to hold books that need a home instead of living in piles. But there are much fewer books having to live in piles now. As I go through my To Read/To Re-Read pile, I have a feeling that a few more books will end up in the donate bags.

I still have a lot of stuff left to go through in our home. It’s not a fast process for me. But seeing the progress I have made, seeing the organization encourages me to keep going. I can now look at areas like our entertainment system, which used to stress me out from the disorganized piles of DVDs all over it, and actually see and enjoy the things we own. It really has had an impact on my mood.